Salterford House School
Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information

2 - 11
Other independent school
Not Rated

How Does The School Perform?

Independent Schools Inspectorate
Full Report - All Reports

Independent preparatory schools do not have to follow the National Curriculum or submit test results to the Department for Education so there is no individual school performance data or star rating.

Visit the school's website to learn more about their unique curriculum, policies on testing and common leaver destinations (a good indicator of pupil progress). See our About page for information on Choosing A Prep School.

Boarding Type
Scholarship Status
Day Fees Per Term
Pupils with SEN support
Salterford Lane
NG14 6NZ
+44 (0)115 965 2127

School Description

Head's name: Ms K Venables (Head Teacher)

Salterford House School Parent Reviews

Average Parent Rating

“All the pupils love school so much, they don’t want to come home!”

Written in 2017 on competition of Kindergarten. My child is now in pre prep & continues to go from strength to strength. My son turns five in September & he's been attending Salterford House since the age of two & a half. He's a bright little boy & Salterford have bought him on absolutely leaps & bounds. I regularly compare the quality & standard of work he does, with children of the same age & it doesn't even come close. Thanks to Salterford my sons skills & abilities are very advanced for his age. I put this all down to the fantastic job the Kindergarten teachers do with all of the children. Their work & projects are so varied & interesting, my son doesn't want to come home at the end of his school day. The staff do a fantastic job & its not just limited to academia. My son is a very polite, well rounded, engaging little boy & I feel the teachers nurture him so well as a person, he is developing a personality I'm very proud of. The Kindergarten teachers knowledge & experience of children is both vast & extremely valuable. I regularly ask for advice on different aspects of parenting, & I feel that we all work in partnership & unison on both school & home life. My son is proving to be popular with both his peers & the older children in school. The older children throughout Salterford are very nurturing to the younger ones. I think this quite unique, & a testament to just how good the school is, in the overall development of children. So to summarise. My sons intelligence is advanced, he has great social skills, the teachers often get a kiss & cuddle at the end of the day, & he doesn't want to come home! As a parent, you couldn't possibly wish for anything more. I drop him off every day, safely in the knowledge he will be cared for, equally as well as he is at home.
“Wonderful school - highly recommended”

All three of my children have been through Salterford from the age of 3 1/2. From the very start they settled very well. All the staff are friendly and helpful. The head greets all the children by name every morning. There is such a personal family feel to the school. The extra activities provided by the school are second to none. The education is fantastic. The playground is a woodland, so wonderful for the children to play in. We are very happy with Salterford. The results that our children achieved whilst at the school were fantastic. Our youngest is in now Year 2. Can't recommend it enough.
“Amazing school with outstanding results!”

I have two children at Salterford House School. They are 4 and 7. The school is fantastic. The results achieved are excellent and are gained through a caring and nurturing environment. At no point have I felt than my children are under pressure to work harder and yet they are performing above their expected level of achievement. The smaller class sizes mean the children get lots of one-to-one support throughout the day. Mrs Venables, the Principle, knows each child individually and is available to speak to every morning. The school grounds are a huge added bonus for the school - masses of woodland and open fields that the children can access everyday. This was definitely a fantastic school choice for my children.
“We love this school”

My son has been going here since he was 2 and a half. He is now 6 and currently in Year 1. He loves going to school in the mornings and it is not a chore to get him out of bed. We absolutely love this school and think that it is amazing. The teachers are so friendly and do an excellent job with the children. The head mistress is there every morning to greet each child into school by name. This school is so friendly and has a very family feel to it. You will often see the older children playing and helping the younger ones. I would recommend you have a look at this school as you will not be disappointed with what you see.
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  • Do go to the relevant authority is you have concerns about a serious issue such as bullying, drug abuse or bad management.
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Salterford House School Catchment Area Map

This school is independently managed and its admission criteria may be selective. There is no set catchment area as pupils are admitted from a wide variety of postcodes and, in the case of boarding schools, from outside the UK. Contact the school directly or visit their website for more information on Admissions Policy and Procedures.