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Voluntary aided school

Tutors with this logo are part of The Tutors Association and meet the highest industry standards

    Tutors near AL7 3TF

    • St Albans
    • @ stalbansnospamblocker@marvellousmindstuition.co.uk
    • 35 Ridgmont Road
      St Albans
      AL1 3AH
    • 01727 260239
    • Please contact for prices

    Contact tutor

    Marvellous Minds Tuition TOP CHOICE

    11+ GCSE AS level A level UCAS Homeschool Tutoring Exams Centre

    Marvellous Minds Tuition is a multi-centre education provider offering affordable, engaging and accessible learning opportunities from a wealth of experienced tutors. By working with small groups and using a tailored approach, our sites in St Albans, Bedford and Kettering aim to instil our students with confidence, supporting them to meet their goals whilst enjoying their learning experience. We offer top-rated tuition in English, Maths and Science in the following formats:

    - One-to-one private tuition

    - Small group classes

    - Homeschooling tuition

    - 11+ preparation

    - Holiday clubs

    - Academic clubs (Maths/English)

    - Exam centre

    • Hitchin, Knebworth, Letchworth, Welwyn, Hatfield
    • @ Contact us Via our website
    • YoungEducation
      121 London Road
      SG3 6EX
    • 01438 811606
    • Call to discuss your child's needs

    Contact tutor

    Young Education

    KS1 KS2 KS3 GCSE IGCSE AS Level A Level

    Students at YoungEducation are tutored by enthusiastic, specialist tutors with sound teaching experience.

    Each student is treated as an individual and receives focused attention from their tutor, whether in a group or one to one. Their interest, enthusiasm and knowledge are stimulated, helping them achieve their full potential. They are encouraged to question and take an active role in their own learning.

    Through successful teaching and personal tutor support, we can help them cut the key to the future they want!


    • London, Hertfordshire, Essex, Kent, Middlesex, Surrey
    • @ top.tutorsnospamblocker@btconnect.com
    • 37 Redbourne Avenue
      N3 2BP
    • 0208 3492148
    • from £22 per hour

    Contact tutor

    Top Tutors

    Primary SATs 11+ GCSE AS Level A Level

    Top Tutors is an established private and home tutor company with over 30 years experience in helping Children and Adults achieve there educational goals. We are one of the largest providers of private tutors in London and the home counties.

    We offer flexibility with our pay as you go service with no commitments or course of lessons. We offer a tutor for all subjects at all levels of education. Over the last 3 decades we have successfully matched over 150,000 students with the right tutors. We also provide a personal approach with our team personally calling to discuss your requirements.

    • Hertfordshire
    • @ welwyngardencitynospamblocker@explorelearning.co.uk
    • Sainsbury's
      44 Church Road
      AL8 6SA
    • 0170 780 8762
    • Contact us to arrange your free trial session

    Contact tutor

    Explore Learning - Welwyn Garden City

    English Maths

    Explore Learning children have a newfound confidence in mastering skills, learning new ones, and in the excitement they receive from working with inspiring role models. Thousands of children attend Explore, gaining confidence, enthusiasm, independence, knowledge and new skills as a result.

    The tutors have a great rapport with all the children and are experts at motivating them to learn. Children are made to feel a part of Explore and always look forward to visiting. They are attending a club, not a classroom.

    Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.

    • London, Hertfordshire, Essex, Kent, Middlesex, Surrey
    • @ supportnospamblocker@tutorfair.com
    • 63 Queensmill Road
      SW6 6JP
    • 0844 800 8040
    • Prices depend on selected tutor's skills and experience

    Contact tutor

    Tutor Fair

    SATs 11+ Common Entrance GCSE IB AS A-level Music SEN Oxbridge

    The best tutors are on Tutorfair. From bright university students at £20/hr through to professional education consultants at £100/hr, you'll be able to find great people for all subjects and levels. Whether a student has fallen behind in a subject, has a big exam coming up or simply needs a confidence boost, you can find the tutor quickly and easily. Scroll through the details of the tutors you like and contact them directly through Tutorfair.com. As a website, they can afford to charge less than a traditional agency and if that's not enough there's a one-to-one promise: for every student who pays, Tutorfair provides tutoring to a child who can

    • Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire
    • @ contact us via our website
    • 19 Annes Grove
      Great Linford
      Milton Keynes MK14 5DR
    • 0800 542 5156
    • from £25 per hour

    Contact tutor

    A1 Tutors

    SATs 11+ GCSE AS Level A Level

    We provide private tuition and home schooling at all levels from Key Stage 1, 2 and 3 through GCSE (key stage 4), ‘A’ levels & beyond. We also offer a wide range of private tuition for adults. We cater for all subjects, but are most commonly asked for maths tuition, English tuition and science tuition.

    We take great pride in the quality of our services and the integrity of our staff. All our private tutors are fully qualified and CRB-checked. We visit you, or you visit our tutor, or you can learn online. We offer affordable prices and a friendly, caring and professional approach.

    • Barnet
    • @ barnetnospamblocker@explorelearning.co.uk
    • Sainsbury's
      66 East Barnet Road
      EN4 8RQ
    • 020 3375 4248
    • Contact us to arrange your free trial session

    Contact tutor

    Explore Learning - London New Barnet

    English Maths

    The process of getting to know your child starts from the very first time we meet you at your free trial session. This is an opportunity for us to discuss your child's requirements in depth, and for you to see the tuition centre in action.

    Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.

    • Borehamwood
    • @ borehamwoodnospamblocker@explorelearning.co.uk
    • Unit 12D Keystone Passage
      Borehamwood Retail Park
      WD6 4XN
    • 020 3004 0096
    • Contact us to arrange your free trial session

    Contact tutor

    Explore Learning - Borehamwood

    English Maths

    All members follow individualised learning programmes in maths, spellings, reading and writing. They work on a variety of activities in each area, with a tutor on hand to ensure that they are being stretched and challenged at a level and pace right for them.

    Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.

    • Southgate
    • @ southgatenospamblocker@kip-mcgrath.com
    • 2B Ashfield Parade
      N14 5EJ
    • 0208 8863939 07940 586519
    • Contact us to find out more

    Contact tutor

    Kip McGrath - Southgate

    11+ SATS GCSE

    At Kip McGrath in Southgate we teach children using carefully structured worksheets and textbooks. We also use excellent computer based resources which support different learning styles. Our resources  have been successful in helping children to tackle problems with reading, writing, spelling and Mathematics for over 25 years. 

    • Enfield
    • @ enfieldnospamblocker@kip-mcgrath.com
    • Howard Chambers
      31 Church Street Enfield
      EN2 6AJ
    • 0208 3635008 07940586519
    • Contact us to find out more

    Contact tutor

    Kip McGrath - Enfield

    11+ SATs GCSEs AS A-Levels

    The Enfield centre has been open for over 10 years. We are very much a family and community friendly business. We continue to work with children throughout Enfield who come to us for a variety of reasons: from students who lack confidence and are struggling with Maths or English to those who may be working towards a final 11+, SAT or GCSE exam. Many of our students have been with us for over 5 years. They join us sometimes from primary school and then stay on through GCSEs,  even  choosing to stay with us through A-S levels and A-Levels.

    • Enfield
    • @ enfieldnospamblocker@explorelearning.co.uk
    • Sainsbury's
      3 Crown Road
      EN1 1TH
    • 020 3713 9721
    • Contact us to arrange your free trial session

    Contact tutor

    Explore Learning - Enfield

    English Maths

    Our tutors will get to know your child as an individual. Whether they are finding school challenging or easy, we will create a learning plan designed to help them to gain confidence, enthusiasm and new skills.

    The process of getting to know your child starts from the very first time we meet. This is an opportunity for us to discuss your child's requirements in depth, and for you to see the tuition centre in action.

    Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities

    • Palmers Green
    • @ palmersgreennospamblocker@explorelearning.co.uk
    • 8 Lodge Drive
      Palmers Green
      N13 5LB
    • 020 3597 7858
    • Contact us to arrange your free trial session

    Contact tutor

    Explore Learning - London Palmers Green

    English Maths

    When children join Explore they have a newfound confidence in mastering skills, learning new ones, and in the excitement they receive from working with inspiring role models. Thousands of children attend Explore, gaining confidence, enthusiasm, independence, knowledge and new skills as a result.

    Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.

    • Luton
    • @ lutonnospamblocker@explorelearning.co.uk
    • Unit 1
      The Poynt
      Dunstable Rd
      LU4 0LA
    • 01582 742979
    • Contact us to arrange your free trial session

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    Explore Learning- Luton

    English Maths

    At Explore Learning, our tutors will get to know your child as an individual. Whether they are finding school tricky or top of the class, we will create a learning plan designed to help them to gain confidence, enthusiasm and new skills.

    Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities.

    • Luton, Bramingham Park
    • @ braminghamparknospamblocker@explorelearning.co.uk
    • Inside Sainsbury's
      Quantock Rise
      Bramingham Park
      LU3 4AB
    • 01582797600
    • Contact us to arrange your free trial session

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    Explore Learning - Luton Bramingham Park

    English Maths

    Every day, after school or at the weekend, thousands of children across the UK begin their Explore experience in a similar way. They are greeted by enthusiastic Explore tutors, who engage children and get them motivated even before they walk through the door.

    As children practise and acquire new skills throughout the learning session, the tutors are always on hand to encourage, explain or suggest a new approach.

    Inspiring tuition for 5-14 year olds of all abilities

    • London, Online, Cambridgeshire, Oxfordshire, The Home Counties
    • @ harrietnospamblocker@regencytuition.com
    • Number 2
      228-230 Fulham Road
      SW10 9NB
    • 0203 732 4387
      07969 255 865
    • Costs vary depending on level and curriculum, please contact us for more information

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    Regency Tuition

    Primary SATs 11+ Common Entrance GCSE A Level Oxbridge Baccalaureate Music

    Regency Tuition is a prestigious London-based tutoring agency that prides itself on providing the best tutors. Their tutor team boasts Oxford and Cambridge graduates, with a wealth of experience in their fields.

    Their trustworthy and reliable tutors will come to you with a lesson plan and all the learning materials you need. They will work with you and focus on your weaknesses to build up your skills and confidence.

    They also offer online Skype lessons that have proven to be a great success.